How Can I Use Conditions?

Introductory Guide on Conditions and Their Usage

Written by AryelLast update 8 months ago

Conditions are crucial for ensuring interactions occur only if certain criteria are met or unmet. You can apply conditions to any type of interaction.

Adding a Condition

  • Start by adding the interaction you want to apply the condition to.

  • Click on “Add condition” above the ‘Result of interaction’ field. This changes the layout to a ‘conditional block’ with an ‘IF’ section.

Setting Up the Condition

In the ‘IF’ section, you will find the following fields:

  • Variable: Select the variable from the dropdown menu.

  • Operator: Choose the operator (e.g., greater than, less than, equal to). The available operators vary based on the selected variable.

  • Value: Enter the reference value for the selected operator.

The condition string reads as:

"if {variable} is {operator} compared to {value}, then {result of interaction}"

Additional Actions

Hovering over the ‘IF’ line reveals action buttons:

  • Add Condition: Allows adding multiple conditions to the interaction. If you have two or more conditions, you can specify whether all conditions must be met (AND) or any condition can be met (OR).

  • Add Else: Adds an ‘ELSE’ section at the bottom, specifying the result of the interaction if the conditions are not met.

  • Delete: Removes the conditional part of the interaction, reverting to a single result.

With the ‘ELSE’ section enabled, the interaction format becomes:

"if {variable} is {operator} compared to {value}, then {result of interaction}, else {result of interaction}"

By using conditions effectively, you can ensure your interactions are dynamic and responsive to various scenarios.

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