Which Starting Events can I use to Trigger Interactions?

A Comprehensive List of all the Starting Events Available in Aryel.

Written by AryelLast update 8 months ago

Aryel's Augmented Reality campaigns are brimming with engaging interactions, all stemming from a key starting point: the "Starting Events." These events serve as triggers to activate interactions within AR experiences. Here's how they work and some examples of how they can be used.

Common Starting Events (Applicable to all campaign categories except product visualization surface)

  • Tap: This event occurs when the user taps on a specific asset.

  • Scene Initialization: This event happens when the AR scene is initialized. It's useful for automatically initiating interactions at the beginning of the experience.

  • Playback Completion: Triggered when a media playback (audio or video) completes. Only available on audio or video assets in the scene.

  • Variable Change: Triggered by any change on the variable defined in the interactions (edit/set/reset variable or reset all variables)

Starting Events for Campaigns Triggered by Image

  • Marker Found: This event occurs when the marker, which is the trigger image, is detected by the camera.

  • Marker Lost: This event takes place when the previously detected marker is no longer visible to the camera.

Starting Events for Immersive 360 Campaigns:

  • Hovering: This event occurs when the user points the camera at a specific asset.

  • Stop Hovering: This event takes place when the user stops pointing the camera at a specific asset.

Starting Events for Controlled-by-Face Experiences:

  • Face Found: This event occurs when the camera detects a user's face.

  • Face Lost: This event takes place when the previously detected face is no longer visible to the camera.

  • Open Mouth: This event occurs when the user opens their mouth.

  • Close Mouth: This event takes place when the user closes their mouth.

  • Open Eyes: This event occurs when the user opens their eyes.

  • Close Eyes: This event takes place when the user closes their eyes.

  • Open Left Eye: This event occurs when the user opens their left eye.

  • Close Left Eye: This event takes place when the user closes their left eye.

  • Open Right Eye: This event occurs when the user opens their right eye.

  • Close Right Eye: This event takes place when the user closes their right eye.

  • Tilt-Head Left: This event occurs when the user tilts their head to the left.

  • Tilt-Head Right: This event occurs when the user tilts their head to the right.

These starting events can be creatively combined to craft engaging and personalized AR experiences. For instance, you can use "Tap" to change scene or "Marker Found" to initiate animations when a trigger image is recognized. The possibilities are endless and the only limit is your fantasy!

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