How to Use HDRI Environment Lighting Options for Your Aryel Campaign

Understanding and Utilizing HDRI Environment Lighting Feature

Written by AryelLast update 9 months ago

With this innovative feature, you gain the ability to infuse your scenes with image-based lighting, making campaigns more realistic and immersive. This lighting solution offers HDR illumination, reflections and backgrounds, elevating the visual aesthetics of rendered scenes.

Let's explore the steps involved in selecting HDRI environment lighting.

After creating the campaign, within the 'Scene' section, located on the right side of the panel, you encounter the setting 'Environment lights'.

Here, there are two choices: you can either select one of the 12 available HDRIs in the library or upload your own image.
It's important to note that if you opt for the latter, only .jpg and .hdr files are compatible.

Once an image is selected, you have the flexibility to choose another image by simply clicking on 'replace', or alternatively, you can remove it entirely by clicking on 'delete'.

Through this intuitive interface you can effortlessly tailor your scenes to suit your creative vision.
With the option enabled, all 3D objects within the campaign scene will be illuminated according to the light emitted by the chosen HDRI environment, ensuring a cohesive and immersive visual experience for viewers.

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