How to Manage Multiple Scenes?
Understanding Scene Management
Aryel supports scene management, each scene is a combination of determinate triggers and what you see after the trigger bursts.
Aryel supports two different types of scenes flow:
Random flow – Build your scenes without worrying about the order in which they will be shown. (e.g. catalog)
Sequential flow – Build your scenes and use them in a sequential order to achieve/show something. you can always reorder your scenes to adjust your engagement flow. (e.g. treasure hunt)
Pay attention to:
In the sequential flow, if you want that users will be able to see different scenes without changing the trigger (e.g., scanning the same image or staying in the same location), you have to use the same trigger in each scene.
Also, In the sequential flow, if you want that users will be able to see different scenes but by changing the trigger (e.g., scanning a different image or going to a different location), you have to use a different trigger for each scene.In the random flow, if you want that users will be able to see different scenes, you have to use a different trigger for each scene.
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