How to Enable Desktop Usage for Face-Controlled Experiences
This Feature Allows Users to Interact with Your Campaigns not just on Their Mobile Devices but also on Desktop Computers Equipped with Front Cameras.
Enabling desktop usage for experiences controlled by face opens up a whole new dimension of engagement for your AR campaigns. Here's a step-by-step guide to do it seamlessly.
Accessing Settings:
Navigate to the settings page of your AR campaign.
Look for the ‘Multi-device experience’ section, specifically designed to make your AR campaigns visible on both mobile and desktop.
Enabling Desktop Usage:
Simply toggle the option to activate desktop compatibility for your face-triggered campaigns.
Before sharing the link with your audience, you can test the experience from your computer whether it's in draft or published status.
Draft Campaign:
If your campaign is still in draft status:
Navigate to the preview modal of your campaign.
Click on the ‘Open Demo’ call-to-action (CTA) to initiate the desktop experience.
Your campaign will now open up on the desktop for testing and preview purposes.
Published Campaign:
Once your campaign is published:
Click on 'Get link' button.
Copy the campaign link from the modal panel and paste it into a new blank page on your desktop browser.
Upon pasting, the launch screen will appear and you can use your experience on desktop.
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