How Can I Share My Campaign Link?

Obtaining and Sharing the Campaign’s Link

Written by AryelLast update 1 year ago

When you are ready to launch your campaign, you can publish it by clicking the Publish button on the top-right of Aryel's Campaign Builder (or if it just published, click on Get Link option). A success message will be shown and then you can copy your link clicking Get sharable link.

Now you need just to give it to your users. Through that, they will open the camera on their browser with which scans the trigger to bring to life your AR experience.

How to deliver my WebAR campaign?

You can find different creative ways to deliver the link to your users, also according to the kind of experience, the environment (online or offline), the eventual instructions you would give, etc.

Though maybe you know a lot for the online side, for sharing in an off-line you may consider to:

  • short the link and print

  • use a QR-code

The Aryel platform will provide you the shortened link and the QR code, automatically filled with the update campaign’s link.

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