Can I Modify Style Elements Within Individual Campaigns?

Modifying Style Elements Within Individual Campaigns

Written by AryelLast update 10 months ago

It is important to know that within individual campaigns, it is possible to modify some style elements, namely the Launcher and the Loader, by clicking on the style icon. 

Within the style settings, it is possible to modify various elements present in the style kit.

Any changes made in the Style Settings section will modify the Style Kit for all campaigns using the same style kit with the only exception of the settings marked with the green sticker (icon below) that will only modify the current campaign.

In the Launcher & Loader section, it will be possible to hide the Launcher only for the current campaign.

In the Launcher button section instead, it will be possible to modify the text of the Launcher button.

Finally, exclusively in Packaging and Interactive Print campaigns, it is possible to remove the trigger preview in the Browser & Experience section in the Experience sub-section.

That's it! Now you know how to modify the style elements within your campaigns to create increasingly engaging experiences!

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