What Is a Brand Kit?

A Brand Kit (BK) in Aryel Is a Customizable Set of Tools and Resources Designed to Align Marketing Efforts with a Company’s Branding Strategy.

Written by AryelLast update 11 months ago


A Brand Kit is a feature that streamlines the management and application of brand-specific elements in your AR campaigns. It simplifies the customization of style settings and domain usage, ensuring consistency across different campaigns. You can manage them by accessing the Manage Brand Kits area on your platform!

Key Components

The Brand Kit comprises three primary elements:

  1. Domain: Custom URL that replaces the standard "app.aryel.io" third-level domain.

  2. Active Style Kit: Contains brand customizations like colors, logo, and font, primarily used in the launcher and loader.

  3. Demo Style Kit: A pre-sale customization option that includes a demo watermark layer in the experience. (partners only)

Adding or editing Brand Kits

At any time, users can add a new brand kit to their platform or edit the features of an existing one. All you need to do is click on the Get a new brand kit button in the Manage Brand Kits area. We will contact you as soon as possible!

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