Can I Update Ad Tags With the Macros of the DSP I Use For Distribution
How to Update Ad Tags With Macros From Your DSP
Written by AryelLast update 3 months ago
You can easily update the flight ad tags before downloading them. Let's see how!
As a first step, access the campaigns list and click View Details for the flight you wish to update.
If you copy or download the ad tags before updating the DSP, it will have placeholder macros included, as per the following example:
Example: <script src="[REPLACE_WITH_CLICK_MACRO]"></script>
Navigating to the Setup section, you’ll find a dropdown menu with a list of several DSP to choose from.
Once you've selected the desired DSP, you can either copy a specific ad tag or download a .txt file containing all the ad tags. In any case, after the DSP selection, the tag will have the relevant macros in place as per the following example:
Example: <script src="${CLICK_URL_ENC}"></script>
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