Understanding Role Divisions and Permissions in Your Aryel Account

Introduction to Aryel's Role and Permission System

Written by AryelLast update 8 months ago

This guide is designed to help you gain a comprehensive understanding of how roles and permissions work among different collaborators in your Aryel account.



When users with the "Astronaut" role access the account, they are directed to the 'Reports' page. This page is their starting point, even when they click on the Aryel logo. If they attempt to access other pages via direct URLs, they will be redirected to the 'Reports' page.


On the 'Reports' page, astronauts have the freedom to perform various actions having the possibility to modify the filters. However, when they try to access other sections, such as campaigns, templates, or brands, they won't have access, and the related buttons will be disabled.

Items like 'account, users, plans, and billing' are not visible in the dropdown menu.



When users with the "Spacewalker" role access the account, they will find themselves on the 'Campaigns' page. This page serves as their starting point, even when they click on the Aryel logo. If they try to access other pages via direct URLs, they will be redirected to the 'Campaigns' page.


Spacewalkers can take various actions on draft campaigns, but certain actions, like publishing or editing the style kit/save style kit as new, are restricted. Publishing and archiving options are hidden in the dropdown menu and disabled in the builder. The delete option is also unavailable for published campaigns.

Spacewalkers can access campaign, template, and reports pages, along with the multimedia library page from the 'brand' dropdown. Other pages, like brand kit management, domain management, account, users, plans, and billing, are not available in the relevant dropdown menus.

Style Section

In the 'style' section, spacewalkers can only modify elements highlighted by green icons. The 'save as new style kit' button is disabled, and the 'save' button is enabled.

Flight Engineer


Users with the "Flight Engineer" role are directed to the 'Dashboard' page. They enjoy access to all pages and functionalities except for 'users' and 'plans and billing.' These two options are intentionally excluded from the dropdown menu.

First Officer


Users with the "First Officer" role are also directed to the 'Dashboard' page, but they have unrestricted access to all pages without any limitations.

We hope this guide helps you navigate roles and permissions effectively within your Aryel account. If you have further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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